In 1979, Michael Porter published the article about his concept of „sustainable competitive advantage“. With this concept, he re-defined the strategy process in organizations.
It was helpful in the following years, but in today's dynamic world, this is seldom of use. Almost all strategy development tools in use today are based on the single dominant idea that the purpose of strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. This is the organizations’ holy grail. Organizations orient its consciousness towards something that is already on the market and develop „from the past with linear thinking the future“. This is dangerous, very dangerous.
The birth of true innovation is not possible. In more and more markets, we are seeing industries competing with other industries. Today competition can come from anywhere, it is not any longer cheap substitution of an existing product. The assumption of stability creates wrong reflexes in the innovation and strategy process. It is important to focus the consciousness towards industry-foreign segments, technologies, developments and mental constructs.
Start to consciously ignore your competition. Start to connect with totally different market segments, offers, geographic locations.
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